Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weight Loss Inspiration

Well, weight loss is still going well. I'm still loving the site I told you about last time The more I look into and move around in it the more I like it. There is a whole "community" on there if you have questions or need inspiration. Also, I've found they track more than just calories, fat, protein, & carbs. You just have to go to the section that lets you pick what you see. I now can track my fiber-which is something that's important to me. Yay! 

I'm now looking for more healthy recipes to try. Pinterest of course is where I'm storing them, and trying to find more. It's hard sometimes to find recipes that are tasty and good for you. My wonderful family has been amazing as I'm trying some new recipes and we're eating a lot more salad than we used to. My daughter has asked when I will be done "dieting" because she wants "good" food again. I kind of chuckled and said what do you mean? Tell me what we've had that you haven't liked. She just stood there and stared at me. She could only name one thing-and that was fish. (the fish was amazing, recipe will be posted in the future I'm sure) She's not a huge fish fan so that was to be expected. So in one month I've only made one dish that she didn't like while on my "diet". I explained to her, this is not a diet-it's a way of life. We're not going back to having cheese on almost every single thing we eat, and we won't be having as many dishes with gravy, and we're not going to go out to eat as much as we used to. I still give them the cheese on their burgers, and on their salads and tacos. I just pass or don't use as much. We still go out to eat, I just watch what I pick instead of picking the most amazing looking thing on the menu. I still love what I eat, so it doesn't kill me. What might get the best of me, is my husband who ends up picking something I may have loved and then offers me bites the whole time he's eating it. lol I know he means well, but seriously you're killing me. Sometimes I know if I try it, I'll want the whole darn thing!

So far, since I am seeing results I've really enjoyed "dieting". I'm exercising, and I didn't do much of that before either. I Zumba at home a couple times a week. It's great when I have people join me. It makes me do it! Sometimes I do it alone, but that's ok, I am enjoying it now. I also joined the Health and Wellness Center. I go there 2 days a week right after work. I'll tell you, I was really dreading that one. I LOVE IT. I just walked the track the first couple of times I went, but it was awesome. It was ME time. Do you know how often a woman with 2 kids married to a truck driver gets ME time? Like NEVER. lol I just listened to my music and walked. No one asking when's dinner, or I need this, or where is this-just me, my thoughts, and walking! It's therapeutic. I've begun using some of the equipment now too. I don't know if I love it-or love knowing that using it is making the pounds melt away. Either way, I don't hate it and can't wait to go the next time.
So for today, I'm leaving you with some inspirational words that rang true to me. 

Thanks for visiting today. I'd love to hear what inspires you, or if you have an amazing healthy recipe to try.


  1. I'm glad you're taking the family on the ride with you. That's always my deal, because Sam doesn't gain weight, and loves his sweets. We always have sweets in the house, and it's easy to give in to temptation. Keep up the good work! And thanks for taking us on your journey!♥

    1. Thanks Amy! Somedays I think that would be a dream come true to not be able to gain weight. Other days I know better. I have a 10 year old who seems to keep losing weight! It's crazy. Sweets are usually not by biggest downfall. I'm more of a potato chip girl. I say that though, as right now there is a pan of brownies baking in the oven. lol MY fault. I wanted some sweet baked goodness. Gotta love hormones! I won't over indulge though. It will be good.

  2. Here's a quick easy dessert...its called Chocolate Eclair, but I minus the chocolate...Makes a box of sugar free instant pudding...I like vanilla or butterscotch...In a square baking dish...line the bottom with graham them with half the pudding...put another layer of graham crackers and then top with the rest of pudding...finish it with another layer of graham cracker...this is where you could cover it with chocolate fudge frosting...but I prefer it covered in the refrigerator, it is best if it sits for 24 hours...the graham crackrs soften up and is so delicious...otherwise the crackers are crisp...and its just better after it sits a day. this is fat free and basically sugar free and very satisfying.

    1. I might like that if you don't have to use chocolate pudding. I like chocolate, but I'm not a huge fan a chocolate pudding. My kids love any pudding they can get their hands on! We may have to try this. Thanks!

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