Sunday, July 31, 2011

Everyday is a GOOD day....

I think I truly and totally am in love with taking pictures, and editing pictures, and looking at pictures, and learning more about everything about pictures. I think there is a theme...I love pictures especially of people I love. I know I'm not the best photographer but I don't believe I am horrible either. I honestly just love everything about pictures. They bring me joy. I love looking at the art and beauty in someone else's pictures too. I'm not talking simply just snapshots-but more just looking at the composition of them. Thinking--I can do that! or I want to know how to do that!
So even on a crappy, horrible, rotten, no good day-let me take a beautiful picture and then everyday is a good day!
Yesterday was one of those crappy, horrible, rotten, no good days-then my wonderful family humored me and let me take their pictures. Thank you guys, I love you bunches. Here are a couple videos of the pictures they let me take yesterday. (Don't worry they are really short)

What can turn your crappy, horrible, rotten, no good day into a good day?


  1. You never told me if you liked that blog button I sent you! I can tell you how to add it, if you don't know how.;)

  2. I know you said it was a "blog button", but I read it as you were trying to recommend a blog to me! lol I thought messed up on the link you sent me... ooops! I added it tonight! Thanks!
